Unknown On Sep 4, 2010

Ying Chian

Parsons freshman
Diamond Bar, California
19 years old

“To me, fashion is a representation of a person’s taste, style and personality before any prior communication. Fashion can speak the unspoken words about a person. It is like poetry where you think you found the one correct answer but from a different angle, there is a completely different interpretation because like poetry, fashion is a descriptive form of life. Fashion brings life and a metaphorical beauty to every person.

Ying’s collection: My collection is going to be based on one of my favorite books, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Each fashion sketch will be a stage of emotion that Elizabeth Bennet portrays in the novel from the beginning, before she met Darcy, until the end where Darcy and Lizzie live happily ever after. Although each stage has different style, I will be incorporating chiffon in all five outfits. Why chiffon? Chiffon is like a cover. It represents an ambiguous beauty and mystery between humans. Chiffon doesn’t allow people to pretend or hide their personality but it is a form of respect and etiquette, hiding their prejudices softly within their minds.

What excites you most about Fusion? I am excited about the whole process, from choosing our models to the runway show in March. I’m excited to see everyone else’s different designs and the experience I learn from the whole competition. It is also exciting to have famous judges on the panel.

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