Nathan Green
Parsons A.A.S.
Chicago, Illinois
31 years old
“Fashion to me is about making beautiful, well constructed clothes, putting someone's identity into a garment for them to wear, expressing my urge for design and craft in a single piece of work. Fashion is about making someone look good, but feel even better!”
Nathan’s collection: Cirque de Fusion is a commentary on prominent characters of a circus and their contemporary counterparts in our society as a whole. The Ringmaster is seen as put together and presentable at any moment as the front man. The Magician, either a miracle worker or a con artist, takes his cues from religious figures, as religion is either the biggest con or the greatest miracle. The Clown represents a relief from the serious with a vagabond interpretation. Feminine clothes are exploited with a masculine edge for the Bearded Lady, and the Strong Man is delivered with a suspender-vest reminiscent of a lifter's squat suit, capable of showing off the body that creates this character.
What excites you most about Fusion? I'm most excited about the process. Every garment is a learning experience and Fusion will be a class in its self for me. I am looking forward to the entire experience of creating these looks and following them through to their runway presentations.
On Sep 4, 2010