Madeline Coons
F.I.T. A.A.S.
St. Paul, Minnesota
21 years old
"Fashion is dreams, not frozen in time or space, but budding ideas waiting to be molded and sculpted. Fashion is my dreams, not only dreams for my future but also wishful daydreams and imaginative whirlwinds that lull me to sleep at night. Fashion is always swirling through my mind. It brings spring to each new day and purpose to all its activities."
Madeline’s collection: "Sumptuously splendid and decidedly elegant, think bodied fabrics, in an array of pearly roses and creamy beiges provide the soft feminine background for the addition of a few of my favorite things—a dash of gold, a dollop of silver, some hints of pearls, smidgens of sequins, a sprinkle of sparkle, and lets not forget, a dainty expanse of ribbon, of voluptuous but sturdy bows. My collection is about dress up; the adornment of classic and simple silhouettes with thrilling, tickle me pink frills. It’s always all about the details for me. I love the dreamy air of antiques in general, but especially antique trim and notions.
I will be hand embroidering and detailing my garments with antique trims and pieces of vintage costume jewelry found at flea markets and antique stores. The clothes will, in a way, be dressed up from decades passed, giving them a dainty and elegant feeling.
What excites you most about Fusion? "I won’t lie, part of the reason I am applying to Fusion is because I am oh so extremely thrilled by the prospects of all of the amazing trims and fabrics I will need to own for completing my collection!
On Sep 4, 2010